Preiss&Associates’ Direct/Indirect Auto Price Monitoring™ Service reviews pricing decisions of direct/indirect auto loan portfolios of financial institutions and captive finance companies on both a dealership and loan basis. On a dealership basis, Preiss&Associates monitors the frequency and magnitude of the difference between the buy rate and contract rate charged protected class applicants versus non-protected class applicants to identify dealers that may have frequency or magnitude issues. On a loan basis, Direct/Indirect Auto Rate Monitoring™ uses regression analysis to monitor for possible problem loans regardless of the dealership.
- Tests for systematic differential treatment in dealer credit pricing on direct or indirect auto loans using regulator procedures.
- Examines for differential treatment with respect to the interest rate spread (the difference between the buy rate and contract rate) charged protected classes versus non-protected classes regardless of the dealership.
- Assures consistency in the direct/indirect pricing decision across their customer base.
- Identifies applications in an institution’s direct/indirect auto loan portfolio that may have received differential treatment with respect to the pricing decision
- Reviews all loans, on a dealership basis if applicable, to determine if a protected basis group is receiving “overages” more frequently than a non-protected basis group
- Reviews all loans, on a dealership basis if applicable, to determine if the average “overage” a protected basis group is receiving is statistically different from the average “overage” a non-protected basis group is receiving (a magnitude test)
- Monitors applications, over time and on a dealership basis if applicable, for those that seem to regularly appear on these frequency and magnitude exception lists.
For more information and a full discussion of your requirements, please contact us here.